These photos taken earlier this year are of home in Orangecrest Country. The owner constructed a wall on the property without an approved Architectural Application. A long legal battle ensued in which the HOA prevailed. Ultimately, the HOA foreclosed upon the home, the wall was torn down and the landscape renovated. The neighbors have been relieved of a situation that had a negative impact on their own home’s value and their enjoyment of the neighborhood has been restored.
There are many potential negative impacts to a neighborhood when exterior changes are made without obtaining an Architectural Committee review and approval – even in backyards. Lately there have been several complaints filed with the Association due to homeowners who installed trees without approval that did not comply with the Guidelines because either they were too closely installed to a fence and/or a root barrier was not installed. Imagine the potential for problems if a pool in one backyard is impacted by the root system of a large tree in a neighboring backyard, for instance. The cost for repairs could easily run into thousands of dollars.
There is no joy for anyone in having to deal with CC&R’s violations. To avoid problems, always obtain written approval first. Review and approval of an Architectural Application is still free at Orangecrest Country – thanks to a handful of unpaid volunteers who care about our community. The Guidelines and architectural application are available here on this website or by contacting your community manager.
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Why it’s Important to Submit an Architectural Application before Beginning Exterior Work
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