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Manager's Messages

Orangecrest Country Committees

By September 27, 2021No Comments

Maintaining an attractive community the size of Orangecrest Country cannot be thoroughly and effectively accomplished by a Board of five people, no matter how many hours a week these tireless volunteers put in. Community members like you, can provide a great solution to this conundrum by serving on a committee. For example, the Architectural Review Committee processes applications for landscape renovations, hardscape installments and exterior paint applications. The time commitment is greatly appreciated and helps Orangecrest Country to continue to be one of the most desireable communities in Riverside.

Occasionally there are detailed challenges best tackled by an engaged group of members that have a few hours and their expertise to share. For example, many of the pine trees along the jogging trail and mitigation areas have become a nuisance to homeowners who are putting up with dropping pine needles. In some cases, the root structure of these trees is beginning to damage to the Association’s wall, requiring repairs. This particular issue has been on the back burner this year due to an already full Board agenda. (Homeowners may or may not be interested to know that all Association trees are on a rotating pruning schedule, but the scheduled pruning for this winter obviously will not solve all the issues of these mature trees.) To better tackle with a long-term comprehensive plan, a landscape committee of five people will be appointed at an upcoming Board meeting in October. The ideal candidate will attend that Board meeting and be able to attend committee meetings and work as part of a team of up to five people to contribute to forming a long term landscaping plan that will address the type of replacement trees as required by the City, and other goals including prioritizing areas of work and phases for completion.

Another upcoming committee opportunity is a budget committee, which would ideally be made up of members who have a background in setting budgets and analyzing financial information. A draft budget needs to be submitted to the Board by the January meeting for approval.

Finally, at the January meeting, the Board will be appointing volunteers for the Architectural, Hearing and possibly a social committee for 2022. All Orangecrest Committees are appointed by and provide important advice and support to the Board of Directors. The Board makes final decisions regarding implementation of any plans proposed by the committees.

If you are interested in participating and have questions about any of these committees, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your community manager, Susan Elmorabit at